<3 (axlackxofxcolor) wrote in bad_service,

Taco Bell SUCKS

I am never going to a Taco Bell again. Every time I do I tell myself not to go back, but this time it's for good. Let's start with some of the earliest bad_service first.

A few months ago I went to a Taco Bell near my old apt. 15 min. before they closed. Now, I know fast food workers tend to get pissed off when people come up a few minutes before they close, but I could really care less. If I show up TWO minutes before you guys closed, you guys are still open and I still expect service. (EDIT: Total exaggeration right there. I have never done that & would never do it). I pulled up to the window and the girl VERY snottily told me that they're closed. If she wasn't so rude I probably would've just drove away but instead I said, "It's 1:45, it says you close at 2."  and she says, "Well we obviously have to start putting stuff away." I didn't say anything, just drove off.

At another taco bell, the same thing pretty much happened except it was an HOUR before they closed. That happened about 2 weeks ago.

A few days ago, my b/f and I went to the first Taco Bell before seeing the midnight showing of Pirates to get some food to eat during the movie. It was something like 11:45. (EDIT: They closed at 2am. Also, someone in front of us had just pulled away from the window after getting food. Forgot to say that) I ordered and the girl said, in a sweet voice might I add, "Ok, well we've shut everything off and put all the food away, so it'll take about 20 minutes for your order." Thinking I didn't hear right, I said, "Did you say 20 minutes?" and she said yeah, like this was a totally normal occurrence for a fast food restaurant. I said, "Ok, nvm." and drove off.

Last night, my friend and I went to a totally different Taco Bell. We ordered 3 things--a chicken quesadilla, and two 99 cent bean & rice burritos. Our total was something like 5.51. This morning while checking my bank statement online, it said $16.31 was taken out of my account. I don't have a printer, so I went to the library and printed out my bank statement, and brought it and my receipt to the Taco Bell. I told the manager what happened. I was there for about 30 minutes, most of the time waiting because the manager was apparently working drive-thru and kept leaving during the middle of our conversation to take orders, and talking to people on the headset while I was talking to him. Finally, I caught someone else's eye and asked her if she could tell her manager I'd really like to finish this up so I can get to work. Please keep in mind, they weren't busy. He asked me to write down my name and number and said once he checked his receipts he'd give me a call today. This was almost 4 hours ago.

My mom told me to call my bank to dispute the charges and they'd most likely refund me the difference. I haven't done that yet, though. I wanted to get everyone's opinion here first. Just because I don't see why the bank should when it's Taco Bell that kept my money. Also, the manager took my receipt and while I THINK it was $5.51 I'm not totally sure.

EDIT: I just called my bank to to make sure, and they did say it's something I'd have to take up with Taco Bell, and not them.

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