blackoftwilight (blackoftwilight) wrote in bad_service,

Apartment Woes

I feel like complaining about my apartment complex today, so here I go.

Around October 2006, our bathroom vent quit working. At least once a month, we would resubmit a maintenance request to get it fixed. No one would ever show up to do anything about it until around February 2007. They came around then to fix our garbage disposal that we also previously had trouble of it backing up. They replaced the disposal with a spiffy new one, and they then looked at the bathroom vent. They told us that they'd have to order parts for it, left, and never came back.

Around March 2007, our toilet got clogged, after office hours. Maintenance was at my door within minutes of me calling them and took care of it. At least they were good with that.

March 30, 2007, I went to pay rent and discovered that a new management company had taken over since the last time I paid rent. Okay. So I resubmitted the request to get the bathroom vent fixed. At this point, I still understand that it's not a necessity to live with, but it's something that comes with the apartment, and I'd like it in excellent working condition. I also asked that they call me first before maintenance shows up at the door. This is so that I'd know that they are actually coming on that specific day, and I'll stay up for them. (I work over-night where as my husband works during the day.)

Just about two weeks ago, I was staying up about an hour past my bedtime just for the hell of it when there's a knock at the door. I look out the peephole and see a youngish guy standing out there. I stay silent for a few seconds and then finally ask who it is without opening the door. He finally tells me that it's maintenance. (I'll stop here to say that I've lived in several apartments in two states and in all of them, even here previously, maintenance would knock and verbally identify themselves at the same time. I've come to accept this as being proper procedure from them.) So this raised a flag with me. It's not as if it was 8 am. It was 11 am, and no need to be quiet.

So I opened the door, and this guy looks pretty spacey to me. I asked him if he was ever planning on calling me first before coming over. He looks at the note in his hand. "I'll be right back," he said before walking away. I waited up until 3 pm before calling the office because he didn't come back and no one ever called me still. They told me that they'll "take care of it." My husband went down to talk to them personally when he got home from work and got told that we were placed at the end of the list when I refused entry. Huh? I didn't refuse entry, the guy had walked away. We have yet to get a phone call or someone coming back to take care of this.

Just today, our toilet clogged again. Around 1 pm, I called and the manager at the office said that they'll "get right on it." Around 4:30 pm, I called again to get an estimate of when maintenance is going to show up only to get a message on the answering machine saying that they were closed, and that the normal hours are from 9 am to 5:30 pm. It took me calling several more times to get the machine and write down the emergency pager number because it was rattled off too fast to get it even on the third time. I got a call back right away from the manager telling me that the maintenance guy has been taking care of plumbing problems all day that he'll maybe get to me today. If that maintenance man ever really gets here, he'll get to skip us over. My husband went to buy a plunger, and the problem is now fixed. We'll never call them again when we can fix that ourselves. The main problem? I'm starting to get really sick of being ignored, pushed aside, and lied to. Is it too much to ask for honest communication and having the office open during the hours that they say they are?

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