Rebecca (theniwokesoftly) wrote in bad_service,

All the medical posts are reminding me of my own.

First, there's my GP (General Practitioner), who told me that I was chronically depressed because I hadn't been sleeping and I'd had an anxiety attack. I was only seeing him about insomnia, and when he started pressuring me about other things, I had an anxiety attack in his office. So he put me on Paxil, an antidepressant. Paxil made me crazy and I couldn't stay on it for even three months. So after two, I went to see a psychiatrist. He was took me off the Paxil and put me on Zoloft (this time I had been feeling depressed, but it was because of Paxil). But during the psychiatric evaluation, it came up that I'm bisexual. And he asked me how women have sex with each other. Creepy, much? This man is in his sixties and I was 20 at the time. I took my prescription and ran and refused to go back to him.

I went off Zoloft after a year because it made me feel weird. I'm now medication-free and feel fine, except that the insomnia is back. The anxiety is natural, seeing as I'm a senior in college. I'm seeing another (female) psychiatrist resident/attending team at the University of Virginia next week, because my GP still insists that I'm depressed and won't prescribe a sleep aid (not specific to me- he refuses to prescribe sleep aids at all and that's why I've gone through all of this), nor will he recommend me for a sleep study.

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