Lilenth (lilenth) wrote in bad_service,

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I really love take overs...

My phone/net/cable T.V provider NTL got taken over by Virgin and is now virginmedia.

Up until that point I never had a single problem. Since they took over? My net connection has been down more than it's been up, a significant pain in the ass for me since I work online.

They've messed around with the TV package and we now no longer have any sky channels at all. Here's the funny thing, they claim sky wanted to charge them extra and they couldn't afford it without passing it onto the customers, so a little company like ntl can afford sky's fees but Virgin can't? Gee, guys even if that tale is true, thanks for not offering us the chance to see if we still wanted the channels even with an extra fee.

At least the phone still works ... though I've probably jinxed that now.

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