kallell (kallell) wrote in bad_service,

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I hate my Bank

Now this isnt bad service as much as its bad programming, But my bank has screwed up ALOT since it was bought out (I have had cash take three days to clear) and this adds to reasons to despise them.

I use Online Banking and RELY on it heavily, I do not carry cash, do not use Credit cards so my visa check card is my only way to purchase so it is nickeled and dimed and I cannot keep up with a register. I really do have too much on my plate to reconcile my checkbook, the few times i have, i do it for a month or two and then I just get too swamped. I Rely greatly on online banking because of this. 

Now The online banking has one serious fluke i discovered a while back. Certain debits will deduct from the balances retroactivly, before they show up in the register in the correct place. So if i call in apayment of 125 on a bill, in five minutes my register will show EVERY Balance ammount $125 less as if it where deducted from my beginning balance. I have learned to check b4 and after to see and make sure the amount is what I expected. Also it will sometimes show cash or deposits in the available balance before it adds them to the register. It has not however shown a balane Higher then what I have after the transactions have all cleared . . .  Until this weekend.

My cable bill took 6 days to withdraw. In that time it showed a balance of 190ish, on thursday it finally came out on the register and STILL showed 190ish. Again par for the course. I then made a deposit that afternoon in cash of 250 , when i logged on later it showed an available balance of 440ish (I should not the bank slip from the deposit also reflects this) plus my paycheck deposited the next morn at 12:01am. now I had my rent and some basic purchases figured in to get by if the 125 would have deducted from the 190, but since that wasnt the case I actually had MORE then i had budgeted for. There where a few things I also needed but was going to wait  for the next check, but since the more time i had to test and work with them b4 I actually need them, the better, I purchased within my budget still expecting to leave me with MORE then I had originally budgeted for, supposedly, and checked my balance later that day still showed MORE then enough for those purchases. and my budget. 
Saturday I check the balance again (I actually do this regularly when I am bored, I am weird I know) and am surprised to see a significant drop. I thought/hoped that it was one of the three purchases (one that the 250 was meant to cover, the other two where the extra purchases) I made had deducted from the balance b4 hitting the register, as all the balance where retoactivly reduced. Sunday no change and this morning the major one cleared and further deducted, I still had  the possibility the other two where deducted b4 hitting the register (and being they where payed via paypal, it seemed quite plausible) however a lil later in the morning the other two deducted from the reghister and lowed the balance further. I onlyhave one $15 transaction out there now, and once that clears and my rent check clears I have $6 to last me two weeks. Money budgeted for food, gas, etc is not there because of a "fluke"

A fluke is what the rep at the bank called it too, they knew of the first errors i spoke of, but this is new for them, I even had some proof of it and they believe me, but say there is nothing that can be done. I even spoke with a supervisor asking if I can get a 0 interest 2 week loan to cover expenses that I thought would I would be able to cover if Their system had not been severy and for mo reason misreporting. but "They can't do that" I mean cmon, I am not asking for them to just give me money, I recognize where my own shortcomings contributed to the issue. But is asking for the short term loan really too much to ask since the situation would not have happened had their system not had a major fluke (above and beyong what it is known to have?

I do have two main questions at this point, I am thinking of Wells Fargo, any one know of any major reasons to avoid them (Like chase and bank one have)?

Does any of our magic peopl have a better contact for MidAmerica Bank then my climbing up the ladder to try and get some fair help.

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to try and get the reasonable details in there, will be crossposted here and there anf please forgive the typos/grammer issues that I imagine are likely present.

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