I ordered a sub and when I went to pay, I pulled out my ID card as usual. The guy at the register was one I'd never seen before.
Him : What is that?
Me : My student ID.
Him : Why are you showing it to me?
Me : So that I can get my student discount?
Him : You haven't read the sign properly.
Me : The sign says, "Show your student ID card and save!" and I am showing you my student ID card. What exactly is the problem?
Him : You need a card like that one. *jabs at the sample card on the sign*
Me : *sees that it's an International Student card* Do I need to be an international student to get the discount?
Him : No, but you need that card.
Me : But that's an International Student card.
Him : Yeah, so?
Me : You just said I don't need to be an international student to get the discount.
Him : You need the ISIC card.
Me : ISIC stands for "International Student ID Card" and you just said -
Him : You're not getting a discount.
I wanted to say that I always get one, but then it occurred to me that that idiot could be the manager, and I didn't want to get the other workers in town. I should have asked to see the manager anyway to make sure. >____<;;