A life less ordinary... (silencebreaking) wrote in bad_service,
A life less ordinary...

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I ordered Chinese to be delivered at work today. I placed the order at around 11:40. The guy who took the order said it would be around 30 - 45 minutes (normal for this place). I call at 12:45 to find out where my food is. The guy at the restaurant says the driver left about 10 minutes ago, and should be here any minute. I inform him that I was told 30 - 45 minutes when I placed the order. He apologized, we hung up.

Order gets here at 12:50. Driver told me that they were out of Diet Sprite (co-workers drink choice) so they subbed Diet Pepsi (without calling to notify me . I said okay. Take it to co-worker, turns out she is allergic to caffiene and can't drink it.

I pass out everyones food. My meal is luke warm. Not hot, not warm, but been sitting on the counter for 30 minutes cold.

I call, and they offered to send out another meal, and I decline. I'm so pissed, I can't eat. I tell them about the drink issue, and they said that they will note my account so I get a free drink next time I order.

This has me so upset... I've NEVER had this issue with them before.


Side note, I hope to never see myself in here... I work in collections for a finance company, and do my best to make sure that I can work out an arrangement with my customers that is satisfactory to both my customer, and the company I work for.

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